Being late with the latest?
Are you tired being left
behind with the latest and
fast growing technology?
Latest News
Good news students! We
are now offerring our latest
module! AutoCad 2D!
Repair computers by yourself
This course is design to developed basic computer technician skills & knowledge of trainees, proper attitude and work habits upon maintaining and repairing the personal computer.
Upon completion of the corse, the trainee will be able to:
-Develop the necessary skills in using the personal computer.
-Develop the knowledge and skills in maintaining & repairing computer hardware.
-Familiarize his / herself with all the components of the computer hardware and its
peripheral devices.
-Apply the knowledge that they acquire through actual troubleshooting.
-Develop proper attitude such as patience, diligence and understanding in performing
his work.
-Develop acceptable norms & values in conformity with the standard use of computer.
What to learn?
- Hardware familiarization
- Functions and purpose of different hardwares (computer parts)
- Safety measures in PC troubleshooting
- Computer assembling
- Computer dis-assembling
- CD - Burning (Softwares for PC Concerns and maintenance)
- Software Installation (e.g. OS Installation, Program Applications)