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behind with the latest and

fast growing technology?

Latest News

Good news students! We

are now offerring our latest

module! AutoCad 2D!

The New PVC ID?

It's true! CCC is now with

it's new PVC Identification

Card! Find out more!

Welcome to Cavite Computer Center

Since 1999 - 2012

The Cavite Computer Center is an extension office of the Provincial Governor, serves as a dynamic arm in providing computer literacy program for the people of Cavite especially for OUT-OF-SCHOOL-YOUTH (OSY) in cooperation with Dep-Ed Non-Formal Studies


The Cavite Computer Center was established in 1999 through the Office of the Provincial Governor in collaboration with the Department of Education (non-formal) studies. Its fundamental function is to provide FREE practical computer training to Caviteños to support the Provincial Government in the effective implementation of development programs in the areas of education, employment and welfare enhancement.

CCC caters Caviteños from diverse sectors of the society such as Out-of-School Youth (OSY), Senior Citizens, government employees, members of Non-Government Organizations, private / self-employed individuals and even professionals who want to enhance their computer skills.

The Cavite Computer Center is an extension office of the Provincial Governor, serves as a dynamic arm in providing computer literacy program for the people of Cavite especially for OUT-OF-SCHOOL-YOUTH (OSY) in cooperation with Dep-Ed Non-Formal Studies.
As of now, our training applicants have gone up by the thousand comprising of OSY, government employees, NGO’s, private individuals and even professionals who are seeking to enhance their computer skills.  The success of C.C.C. was brought about by our dedication and commitment in offering quality and significant free computer training.


Message from the Governor

Governor Juanito Victor C. Remulla Jr. (Province of Cavite)

In behalf of the Provincial Government of Cavite, I would like to extend my gratitude for the continuous support for the Cavite Computer Center whose offering free computer literacy program in the Province of Cavite. Let us continue to support their will to provide quality Computer Education to every Caviteño.

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